Why, it's none other than ... me! I suppose the question is now, who am I? "Who am I? I'm Jean Valjean! So Javert, you see it's true: this man bears no more guilt than you: Who am I? 24601!" ... bah ... gotta get musicals out of my head already! Between Les Miz, Oliver, Fame, and Phantom, they're always "there, singing songs in my head!" Anyway, you didn't come to hear about my obsession with the theatre, you came to hear about my obsession with -- well -- myself! So here goes. About me:
Name: Sarah
Age: 18
Nicknames: Shorty Spice, Sar, Sis.
My dearest friends: Cher and Josh (my best friends ever; the other two of the Three Stooges (as my mom calls us) put up with me and my insanity for five years when I don't think I could put up with myself for an hour!), Nick L (we've changed so much, but I still consider him as close to family as it gets), Nick W (my favourite wigga, one of the best actors I know, and a great friend who can always make me "have fun, even when I don't want to"), Ashley (who has never had a bad thing to say about anyone, and makes me try to be more positive), Rebecca (for just being her, never taking anything too seriously, and being one of the best actresses I know), Kendyll (I haven't known her long, but we just clicked, and her faith never ceases to amaze me), Peter (such a sweet person it's sickening! Kidding, kidding, but truly a wonderful person without a negative bone in his body)and Marjorie and Mel (also only met them this year really, but still great people I clicked with right away).
Hobbies: Acting, writing, reading, writing, watching wrestling, going to movies/plays, my dog, singing, dancing, Nintendo, the computer, swimming, boating, hanging with my buddies, etc. Lotsa stuff.
Pet peeves: my friends (sometimes, but I love you anyway), dishonesty, crushes, little brothers, ex-boyfriends ;).
Biggest likes: my family (they are amazing, and I couldn't live without these people), my friends (family #2), daily hugs, my hobbies, lasagna and pizza, acting, Phantom of the Opera, almost any play/musical I've seen/been in, "The Legend of Zelda", music (just about any type), school, politics.
Future goal: To become an actress (or Prime Minister of Canada -- isn't that the same thing though?) -- more realistically, go to Queen's U. and become a drama teacher
Things I say most often: "What? Huh? Did I miss something?", "Absolutely!", "It's all good."
Biggest achievements so far: directing "The Beginning ... The End", a play I wrote -- a really amazing experience involving people who are now my friends for life (you can't escape, be VERY afraid!)
If I could have done it differently: I wouldn't go back and do anything differently, because it obviously wasn't meant to be different. There are lots of things I did that I think were stupid, and I'd have handled it differently now, but it's stupid to live in the past, which can't be changed (my goal, however, is to develop a giant remote control for life so I can go back and forward in time at will and make my own destiny).
My mottos: "Being obsessed is better than having no ambition at all.", "Don't take things so seriously: God put YOU on this earth so even HE obviously has a sense of humour!"
Well, that's enough about me for now. I'll let my page do the rest of the talking for me. Just click here to get back to my homepage, and check out my other areas.